
Monday, March 28, 2011

Lecture, Sun., Apr. 3, 2011

Columbia Female Institute
image: TSLA, Nashville

Janet and I will be giving a lecture on Sun., Apr. 3, 2011, 2:00 pm, at the James K. Polk Home in Columbia, TN. Our topic will be "Reading, Writing, and Refining: 19th Century Female Education in Tennessee." The lecture is the last scheduled activity in conjunction with the exhibit Middle Tennessee Samplers: This My Name Shall Ever Have, which closes Sun., Apr. 10, 2011.

Admission to the sampler exhibit is free to lecture attendees.

The James K. Polk Home is located at 301 West 7th Street, Columbia, TN 38402.

For more information or directions call (931) 388-2354 or email jameskpolk@bellsouth.net.

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